Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ode to the First Spring Brick

Oh First Spring Brick
Glorious fixed Surly ride on dead legs
Out east against 9 mile's gale
Spring cancelled, no birds mating
Only good weather for skating
Transition run for 1 hour
All this before I could take a shower

Poor soul, no what fool am I to try
To swim, bike, run and core
17 hours this week with so little training before
Knowing my body's bruised and mind is beat
I must do what's on the stupid sheet

Dreams of tailwind, downhills, coasting
My drivetrain gave me quite a toasting
Knowing I must try to spin faster
Or face the wrath of the Master

Cursing those in FLA between my wheezing
On my run my feet still freezing
Knowing come July it still won't be easy
Trying to keep the faith
Will I ever get in shape?


  1. ps: I figured out a couple days after this that I had a fever for a few days (thought it was just a cold and PjS had turned the heat up) Ha! That's why that weekend seemed so brutal.
