Saturday, April 18, 2009

Camp Sheri - Day 2

Camp Sheri - Day 2

Its late I'm just done dinner its Camp Sheri, right? 8 o'clock run, 3rd in 3 days, just easy over to the Orange Grove for video taping. Everyone else drove over. What's with that? Sigh. Then back to the pool for video/stroke work with Len and Barbi, that was awesome. They took pity on me and realized after getting Ann even faster I needed major help. Will have to test it out at the NTSC pool stat, if I can get their tomorrow. Feels much better for sure.

Back for some food then another plunge at Sugarload/Buckhill etc. Moin moin, though it took a couple hours get really loose. Back and Barbi and I get a short swim in before yoga followed by a talk from a sports psychologist. Talk about preaching to the choir, the nut doctor talks to the loons. BTW there are 4 loons in this little lake as you ride out of town, how Canadian.

Ride to Chez Fraser tomorrow morning and ready to hear some tall tails from Graham about leaving Boulder in 30 ft of snow today if he indeed made it (usual Rocky Mountain spring storm, Pat and I know all about that!). Oh year Calvin Klein (not his real name, duh?) seemed to have a memory lapse on the birthday husband is not supposed to lapse on, ah ohh!

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, Len didn't do anything to my stroke, he just made me work hard. And SCY times do make you feel like a rock star too!

    Sounds like things continue to go great! keep the updates coming.

    From, Ann.
