Cycling News Release
Long time in the hills today (yes we have hills in Lon-ONT: skeptics are invited out here for a ride!). On the tri bike, bent over the bars. After wearing out the big cogs on my rear cassette for a few hours I made it back home and saw this story.

Amsterdam, Holland
Tour de Vas Deferens : Stage 5 Time Trial Report.
Fabio Castrato of Team Eunuch/NADs smashed the race open during today's individual time trial averaging over 60 km/h for the 47 km course. Castra's attributed his record-setting speed to the aggressive position he is able to obtain on his machine since having surgery to remove his "boys". Ecstatic at the finish line he stated: "I have no saddle issues and could stay low and worry soley about powering my bike to the finish". Triathletes, always keen for an advantage in the "Race of Truth" have been quick to clog up the swine-flu swollen health care systems of North America and Europe to obtain this edge as quickly as possible. Top age-group triathlete Biff Roberts, caught on the way in to surgery in Boulder, Colorado today said "unlike the small advantage of shaving my legs or wearing an aero helmet my riding position after this surgery is going to cut my drag factor by 300 g". Addition advantages are the ability to really wail those high notes and less preoccupation with activities that distract from training, eating and stretching.
And people think wearing compression gear in public is weird....
Bob, I'm a skeptic. Show me the hills!
ReplyDeleteholly crap Bob, that just made my morning, I say wear your compression gear and thumps!!
ReplyDeleteI needed that! thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis is Ann.
Gosh, that's incredible! It's like the poll of Olympic athletes where most of them said they would take a drug that made them win, even though this drug would shorten their lives. Goodness gracious!
ReplyDeleteUmmmm Pat did I tell you I need a ride to University Hospital next Tuesday morning?
ReplyDeleteIronLa: how quickly you forget those many days of tired legs you rode home with from the Delaware Hills, River Rd, Popular Hill and Amiens not to mention the Lakeside loop.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Byron hills can put some hurt in the running legs as well.
And next time we ride them I'll make sure you stay on your big ring in front :-)