Sunday, August 21, 2011

Black Velvet and that top relay prize... Down in Kelowna TF is stillthe King... the little Tugboat nails the swim... Nice appetizer but..

Back from the Apple Tri in Kelowna. Great race, course, organization, etc. They care and it shows. I did the sprint as a tuneup for next week’s fun, AO was excited to be chosen as head biker and driver for Team Black Velvet, who won the woman’s title. Add TF’s gold medal in the M50-54 and that gold van is full with 4 gold medals, and of course, Mr. OF, THE coolest looking dude in the transition area (they should have given him a medal for that).

Up in Memphis the music's like a heatwave 

White lightening, bound to drive you wild 

Mama's baby's in the heart of every school girl 

"Love me tender" leaves 'em cryin' in the aisle 

Yours truly had a fund day satisfying his 2 race goals.
  1. Stay upright on the bike

  2. Don’t pull nothing on the run.
Mission accomplished. I haven’t done a tri this short except for the TTT prologues in a LONG time, strange to finish the run and not feel like you cashed in all your chips. Felt pretty good on the climbs and had a good swim. That was fun, and now it's time to start thinking about going 226.2 km next weekend.


Kudos to CSS for all his race support help!