You do know The Rules, right? Good I knew you did. Sorry the all black shorts were in the wash, but note the strict adherence to Rules 22, 56 and 76. I confess to rudely blowing by a pack that was not respecting Rule 5. Never be timid in the traffic cause the Cages smell fear. Nothing better than Fall riding, especially on a day like today. I’m hoping I can get some support for a Century next Saturday. Who’s in?
Ramblings from @bobsica.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Passing the Torch: Western Invitational 2010
Just back from watching the Western Invitational Cross Country meet. Some amazing running from the teams. Great to see Cass and the Brock squad. It looked like just about everybody had a great day despite the tough conditions. Cass really gave 'er, as you can see from his focus before the start:
And trying not to look exhausted with Mom at the finish.
He had a great day; the torch has passed, he is the runner in the family now for sure! I never broke 37 min for a 10 km and he did it on a windy day on a 2 lap course with a tough hill on it.
Congrats to all ya bROCK rebels and Cass here's some video of the race, enjoy!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Lakeside Triathlon Weekend: Some pictures and some (little?) thoughts
Saturday ride was a bit gritty, what with the cold, clouds, some rain and headwind coming back, only warmed by the racers givin’ it on the 5 km run. But today was much nicer with Sun and slightly warmer temperatures. Highlight for me was riding up/down the dirt on 25th line road and helping the cows. Amy and I ran into 2 herds of cows, separated from each other by a gulf of misunderstanding and fear. One group of cows cowered in a forest, next to a group of field cows out on in a field. We lectured them sternly about ending this foolishness and bringing the group together. After going up on the backside of the course and watching the racers at 17 km (where the work on the bike was starting to set in) we headed back down the road.
And the cows were now one, some tree cows in the field and vice versa. A moving experience.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
ahh… a #KurtVonnegut first day of school
Friday, September 3, 2010
Last Laughs of Summer Frazz-fest
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Dear Sports Scientists: Will drinking fluids keep me cool?

I've always been a believer in drink to thirst. I remember once getting caught with frozen water on a 2.5 hr run and essentially not drinking anything. I had no cramps or other issues, and my pace was nominal. Though training with 50 lb of water on your waist does have a training effect (like carrying 50 lb of anything), just don't race with it.